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ABC Real News

By ABC Health

ABC Real News and ABC Health merges with doctors, scientists, & revolutionaries, to bring you the most cutting-edge solutions and applications that bring your body to homeostasis. Listen to the many voices and leading researchers on everyday health issues speaking on topics that many people go through. This site is to give you the truth and correct information for you to live life to the fullest. The information provided on this site is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical conditions.

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Our Mission

ABC Health provides news and relevant information related to health and well-being for all people around the world.

The content includes articles, videos, podcasts, and features on various health topics such as nutrition, fitness, mental health, dis-eases, and medical breakthroughs.

Our aim is to educate and inform the public about the latest developments in health and how everyone can improve their health and well-being. Please view our marketplace for quality products to apply to your health routine.

Read our website disclaimer.


Edward Mann

Founder of ABC Real News, ABC Health, and Creator of MagOzone

ABC Real News (True Health Uncensored Podcast is a website, and a podcast that promotes the use of natural remedies, such as clay, and ozone, for various health issues. The website claims that clay, and ozone can detoxify the body, restore balance, and address various dysfunctional conditions, such as heavy metal poisoning, radiation exposure, colon problems, skin problems, pain, inflammation, and swelling. The website also offers testimonials from many individuals whom have utilized clay, and MagOzone, and experienced positive desired results.

The podcast is hosted by Edward Mann, whom is an expert in natural health, nutrition, and various alternative therapy applications. He discusses topics such as detoxification methods, immune system support, gut health, inflammation, chronic diseases, and more. He also shares personal stories, and experiences with clay, as well as other natural remedies.

To join the ABC Real News Newsletter; you need to sign up on their website, and provide your name, and email address. You can also join the online conference call. You will then receive a confirmation email, with the details of the call, such as the date, time, and direct phone number. The call is free, and open to anyone who is interested in learning more about natural health, and clay. You can also ask questions, and interact with the hosts during the call. There are replays available online.

Edward Mann is a respected visionary in the world of health, and wellness. As a highly respected, and skilled natural, and holistic health teacher, He has uncovered, and made significant discoveries, and contributions to the field of alternative functional medical applications, and protocols, concerning human, and animal healthcare throughout his career. Edward Mann helps people live healthier lives by providing them with access to natural remedies, and alternative ways to maintain, and renew their vitality, by encouraging everyone to take charge, and return to Pristine Health . His work in this area underscores the importance of exploring authentic alternative remedies, unusual advanced applications, and proper protocols in addressing acute, and chronic dis-ease…

Please view the Marketplace for ABC Health’s high quality items and contact Edward if you are in need or specialized assistance regarding your case.

If you are concerned about reaching homeostasis and having the correct applications to return to pristine health, talk Edward Mann at ABC Health.

He can help you understand the risks and benefits of many items and make the best decision for you, your closest people, and children.



A Brief Overview of What We Offer

Pure Organic Calcium Bentonite Clay

MagOzone – Cell Enhancer and Oxygenator

Medical Grade Ozone Generators

Freedom Sip Defense Water Filter Straws

and much more.

Learn more below.

100% Pure Organic Calcium Bentonite Clay by ABC Health

Learn More about Calcium Bentonite Clay

ABC Health specializes in providing 100% organic calcium bentonite clay products that are sourced directly from the earth and minimally processed to maintain their natural purity. Our bentonite clay is composed of 100% natural calcium bentonite, mined from deep within the earth. The clay is sun-dried, then ground into a fine powder, packed immediately, and shipped.

We take pride in using no additives, preservatives or artificial fragrances in their products, ensuring only the highest quality for their customers.

We commitment to sustainability and social responsibility is reflected throughout our provision and education process. The company sources their raw materials from environmentally conscious, ethical suppliers, and supports fair trade practices wherever possible.

We prioritize transparency in all aspects of business and encourage customer feedback and continuing education that can help futu generation maintain health. We are a reputable and high-quality pure organic bentonite clay company that prioritizes natural, sustainable, and ethical practices throughout our structure and health process.

Their commitment to transparency and education, coupled with their pure and effective bentonite clay, makes us a great choice for health-conscious individuals looking for premium organic bentonite clay for longevity and good health.